

Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies delegation met with Mr. Fares Issa, the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representation in Baghdad, on Tuesday, May 28th The delegation included the Center's Executive Director Dr. Ali Taher Al-Hammood and the...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies held a discussion session as part of the project to enhance justice in Iraq under the title: "Commercial Arbitration in Iraq: Reality and Future Prospects". Representatives from several companies participated in the session, including...
The seminar was held on the occasion of the two-decade anniversary of the establishment of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum. In the session, the center hosted the Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Cui Wei, Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Hisham Al-Alawi, and...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning held a discussion session titled: "After the American Treasury sanctions: What is possible in Iraq". The session was attended by members of the Finance Committee, the Oil and Natural Resources Committee, advisors to the...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning organized a workshop titled: "Decision-Making Mechanism in Provincial Councils: Opportunities and Challenges." The workshop was attended by representatives from various political parties, activists, and interested academics. This workshop is one of four workshops organized by...
Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning organized a dialogue session on February 27th about political parties in Iraq. The session was titled "Building Political Parties According to Law No. 36 of 2015" and is part of a project to...
Al-Bayan Center for planning and studies organized a dialogue session on February 13th, about small and medium projects in Iraq. The session was titled: "Mechanisms to support small and medium projects under the governing laws," and is part of a...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies hosted the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, on 9 April, in the presence of a group of researchers, academics, and representatives of political forces, and exchanged views on various...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies participated in the Eighth Sulaymaniyah Forum amid an international, regional, and local presence of political, cultural, economic, and academic figures and several local and international journalists. The participation of Al-Bayan Center, represented by the...
Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies Concludes Training on "Designing Evidence-Based Advocacy Campaigns" in Sulaymaniyah City. The training lasted for 5 days with the participation of 20 trainees from various Iraqi provinces. This training is one of the activities of the...

