Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


Improving the UAE’s relations with Turkey and Iran and its implications on Iraq

Ali Najat The painful experiences of wars and conflicts during the past decade prompted the actors in the Middle East to reduce tensions and neutralize crises as much as possible, and to find a formula for dialogue. After a decade of the Arab Spring, the...

Iraq’s rank in Global Corruption Perceptions Index 2020

The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is an index that ranks countries “by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys”. The index is published annually by the non-governmental organization Transparency International since 1995. Corruption Perceptions Index 2020...

Iraq’s rank in Intellectual Capital Index 2020

The Intellectual Capital Index measures the cost of spending to research and development to start a business, spending on education (% of GDP), number of secondary school dropouts, high-tech exports, number of high school education enrollments, new business registrations per million people, patent applications...

The dangers of the virtual world to democracy

If we reflect on the political events from 2016 and since Trump was chosen as President of the United States until today, we see that democracy has not only faced problems in America, but we have witnessed the emergence of extremist movements in many...

Iraq’s rank in The Natural Capital Index 2020

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The Natural Capital of a country is defined by the natural physical environment. The Natural Capital model incorporates the essence of resources that allow a country to be completely self-sustaining: land, water, climate, biodiversity, food production and capacity, and energy and...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Social Capital Index 2020

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The Social Capital of a nation is the sum of social stability and the well-being (perceived or real) of the entire population. Social Capital generates social cohesion and a certain level of consensus, which in turn delivers a stable environment for...

Iran and America: A reading of the options for dealing with the election results in Iraq

Hameed Redha Al-Ibrahimi Since the outbreak of the October 2019 demonstrations in Iraq, the political map has witnessed a noticeable change. The first political transformation that occurred was the resignation of former Prime Minister “Adil Abdul-Mahdi” and the appointment of “Mustafa Al-Kadhimi” as his successor,...

Iraq’s rank in the Legatum Prosperity Index 2020

The Index Legatum Prosperity is an annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute. The index rankings were launched in 2007 and are based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, quality of life, health, education, and personal well-being. Its purpose is to...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2020

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI) is the most comprehensive ranking of countries currently available. The GSCI measures the competitiveness of countries based on 127 measurable, quantitative indicators derived from reliable sources, such as the World Bank, the IMF, and various UN agencies. The...

Iraq in the Global Governance Index 2020

The Governance Index (essentially a sub-indicator of the Sustainable Competitiveness Index) relies on the quantitative data series - i.e., not the qualitative assessment of government systems - In addition, some aspects of the implications of the direction of government (human rights, freedom of the...

