Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


Iraq in Human Development Index 2020

The Human Development Index (HDI), is an index used to rank countries based on human development, the first to start with the Human Development Index was Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, in collaboration with Indian economist Amartya Sen, and British scientist Magand Desai. This...

Analytical research regarding the ‘Twitter’ platform in Iraq How did Twitter activists in Iraq react to the terrorist attack in Diyala?

Mohammad Rahbari is a social media analyst and a doctoral student in political sociology at Allameh Tabataba'i University (Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sociology). Hadi Sufari is a social media researcher and a software master's student at the University of Tehran. Every day, each of us leaves...

Improving Indicators of Financial Transparency and its Role in Expanding job opportunities in the Iraqi Economy

Haneen Amer Ayeid Al-Qarghouli: researcher in international economic relations Financial transparency, which means the dissemination of information and data and ensuring their flow to combat corruption, has become an international requirement: to achieve political and economic stability, by knowing how citizens can manage public funds...

Iraq’ rank in the Kids Rights Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The index is issued annually by the "Kids Rights Foundation", an organization for the defense and assistance of children around the world, headquartered in “Amsterdam, Netherlands”, and was established in 2003, in cooperation with the International Institute for Social Studies "Erasmus"...

Internet of Things: New Challenge in A world Driven by Things

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan "Internet of Things" (IoT) has not been around for long, however, there have been visions of machines communicating with each other since the early 1800s, and those machines providing direct communications since the telegraph  had developed (the first land line) in...

Prospects for economic relations between Iran and Iraq

Ali Najat Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are intertwined in their security, political and regional dimensions, while economic and trade relations are among the areas that bring the two neighboring countries together. Iraq became Iran’s most important trading partner after the...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Organized Crime Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan The 2021 Organized Crime Index draws on analysis and input from 120 experts from across the continents and a comprehensive literature review on the Index and reports on groups such as the mafia, criminal networks, state actors, and foreign criminals. The dedicated...

Iraq’s rank in the English Proficiency Index EF-2020

The EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) attempts to rank countries by the equity of English language skills amongst those adults who took the EF test. It is the product of EF Education First, an international education company, and draws its conclusions from data...

Iraq and its chances of being a successful mediator between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Hamid Redha Al-Ibrahimi For a while, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has been seeking to fill the role of mediator, and to open a closed channel of dialogue between Riyadh and Tehran; In order to ease the tension in the region, and play a leading role...

The final results of the Iraqi elections

The Independent High Electoral Commission’s announcement of the final results of the elections on the 30th of November 2021 came to confirm the resolution of the election controversy and its results, which lasted 50 days, accompanied by rejection of the results, and objections to...

