Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


Syria “Step by Step” Initiative Determinants, Constraints, and Possible Pathways

Aqil Saeed Mahfoudh / researcher and academic The international envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, said that the main parties to the Syrian war “feel the need to test something new,” and that they are “ready to engage” in the “step-by-step” initiative for a solution/settlement in...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Women Peace and Security Index 2021-2022

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. The WPS Index is published by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security with support from the Norwegian Ministry of...

Reasons for the Failure in Policymaking

Ruhullah Islami / Professor of Political Science at Ferdowsi University Mashhad.          Politics may not pay off and become merely processed discourse, i.e.: politicians imagine that after they have obtained their positions through the votes of the people, they must turn everything upside down, adopt...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Knowledge Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. The Global Knowledge Index (GKI) launched by the United Nations Development Program and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, represents an important addition to the global repository...

Financing higher education in the light of international experiences

Ahmed Kudhaer Hussain The subject of financing higher education is the main entry point for the level of the education system, as a system that affects and is influenced by all relationships and interactions of the comprehensive education system. The issue of financing for education...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Human Freedom Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. The Human Freedom Index presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom. Human freedom is a...

Metaverse: The World Beyond Internet

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science - University of Baghdad.          Humanity is living in a new civilized stage characterized by speed and change, so that we find something new every day that imposes great and dangerous challenges on...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Health Security Index 2021

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science - University of Baghdad. The Global Health Security (GHS) Index is the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across the 195 countries that make up the States Parties...

Future scenarios of Salafi-jihadi groups in the Middle East

Ali Najat, a writer, and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. The Middle East and North Africa region has been the focus of many crises in recent decades, and among the new phenomena that have caused tension in this region are the...

Federalism, Is it suitable for Syria?

Aqeel Saeed Mahfouz Syrians, or a large portion of them, consider federalism as if it is “interference other countries” in the affairs of their country, and part of an “international perspective” for dealing with the Syrian event; It is not clear to what extent they...

