Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


What is the reaction of the Twitter users in Iran to the bombing of the Israeli base in Erbil by the Revolutionary Guards?

Muhammad Rahbari is an academic, researcher and doctoral student in sociology (PhD candidate in Political Sociology) at Allameh Tabataba'i University Hadi Sefri is an academic, social media analyst, and master's student at the University of Tehran. Introduction: Digital footprints such as liking, tweeting, and sharing posts on...

The Global Effects of the Russian-Ukrainian War and its Repercussions on the Iraqi Economy

Ali Abdel Rahim Al-Aboudi / researcher in political economy Executive Summary: The sanctions against Russia that the United States and the European Union have already taken on the energy sector will result in a global crisis and a shortage of oil and gas supply. Global growth will...

Parliamentary opposition and efficient legislative performance (Brief roadmap for parliamentary minority work)

Dr. Emad Salah Al-Sheikh Daoud / researcher in public policies. The opposition, in its simple sense, is defined as the largest party, or coalition of parties that have not been able to form a government, and the opposition is sometimes called an "alternative government", and...

The Commitment of Government Institutions in Iraq to the Requirements of Good Governance

Ahmed Kudaer Hussein / Director of the Social Studies Department at the Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies. Good governance has become one of the most widely used political, economic, and social concepts; Because it is an expression of effectiveness in facing problems and challenges...

Iraqi women after 2003 (Violence’ Incentives, And Empowerment’s Barriers)

Lina Emad Al-Moussawi / Department of Women's Studies - Al-Bayan Center for Planning and studies In March, the international community celebrates women, tracking their most important gains in the political and social context. Women represent 49% of the population of Iraq, where the change of...

Notes on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report

Imad Sheikh Daoud / Professor of Public Policies and Political Systems at the College of Political Science - Al-Nahrain University. The scientific team that prepared the latest UN warnings on the issue of climate change asserts that people and the ecosystem that are least able...

The Future of Terrorist Organizations and the Repercussions of their Leaders’ Eliminations: ISIS as a model

Ali Najat: writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. Salafi-jihadi movements are based on strong and attractive leadership. A review of the history of Islamic movements in the last century in the Middle East and North Africa shows that the leadership...

Iraq’s rank in the Global Firepower Index 2022

Dr. Bassem Ali Khreisan / Professor at the College of Political Science – University of Baghdad. Global Firepower GFP has provided a unique analysis of data on 140 modern military forces since 2006. The GFP rating is based on each country's potential ability to wage...

The Role of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Iraqi Ports (Al-Faw Grand Port as a Model)

There is no doubt that the Fourth Industrial Revolution represented by artificial intelligence has made an important difference in various political, economic, and social fields. Technological developments have played a major role in accelerating the process of economic growth around the globe. The world,...

The war and its impact on the Ukrainian political system: the possibilities of survival and decline

Abdulaziz Alawi Al-Issawi/ researcher specializing in electoral affairs and democracy studies. The sudden Russian attack on Ukraine (although it was the most dangerous it has faced since World War II), but it does not represent the first crisis to strike the country, which has gone...

