Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


The Phenomenon of Child Recruitment in International Conflicts

Muhammad Karim al-Khaqani - academic and researcher in political affairs Recruiting children is a phenomenon that deserves attention because it represents a flagrant violation of the rights of that segment of society. Because of the danger of using them to influence opponents during the fighting,...

Sustainable Local Development as A Path to National Dialogue

Emad Abdul Razzaq Dawood / professor of public policies and political systems at the college of political science, Al-Nahrain University. (To have good, mature citizens... you have to educate them to be so, under strong, beneficial, and participatory institutions) International experiences have proven that the first...

Salafist Extremism Leading to Violence in Iraq (Possible Government Policies)

Haider Abdel-Murshed – Researcher Introduction Iraq - just like the rest of the world - has suffered from extremism, and perhaps the bitter Iraqi experience with extremism leading to violence has exceeded what other countries experienced. This became clear, especially after the US occupation of...

The Economic Effects of Iraq’s Role in Regional Security: Capabilities and Limitations

Nabil Jabbar Al-Ali Al-Tamimi – Researcher Introduction: Iraq is located at the heart of a complex regional environment of cultural, religious, and political differences and intersections, which has made it a place for international and regional political play-offs for many decades. The scene of the conflict...

The Return of American Interest in The Middle East Once Again: Will Iraq Be Present This Time?

Dr. Khaled Hashem - Researcher in International Relations US President Joe Biden's visit to the Middle East from 13-16 July 2022 represents a turning point in the US administration's policy towards the region, and the return of US interest in it and its issues after...

Iraq In Light Of US President Joe Biden’s Upcoming Visit And New Regional Transformations

Firas Elias – Researcher The expected first visit of US President Joe Biden to the Middle East in mid-July, which will include Israel and other Arab and Gulf countries, as well as the active regional movement carried out by some regional powers, is accompanied by...

The Iraqi Mediation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia: Motives and Consequences

Ali Najat / writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. Iranian-Saudi relations have witnessed many ups and downs since the victory of the revolution in 1979 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran, and thus can be divided into...

Possible Crises In Future Bilateral Relations Between Iran And Iraq

The shared Iraqi-Iranian border is known to be wide and fraught with dangers. As different historical eras folded, full of disputes and convulsions. But today is the time to zero in on the controversial points, narrow the circle of tension, and diagnose everything that...

Challenges Of The North: American And Turkish Interventions and The Position of The Kurds, Possible Responses

Aqeel Saeed Mahfoud - Researcher and Academic. Introduction: What is happening in the Syrian Jazira region (also known as Upper Mesopotamia) and northern Iraq in terms of a series of political and military events makes the regional event more “uncertain” and ambiguous. Things are happening that...

The Social and Cultural Interests of Young People in Iraq (Survey)

Ahmed Kudheir Hussein / Director of the Social Studies Department at Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies. Idea and Context (Systematic Framing): The interests and the associated activities and favorite hobbies practiced by young people are at the forefront of the priorities that should be focused...

