Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


Iraqi Youth: Economic Determinants and main constraints

Ahmed Khudair Hussein-director of the Department of social studies at Al Bayan Center for studies and planning. The economic determinants facing Iraqi youth are deepening to exacerbate political and social instability, heavy dependence on the economy of the supplier of oil revenues, inequality, distributive justice,...

Analysis study of Iraq’s draft federal budget for the fiscal year 2023

D. Ali Abdulrahim al-Aboudi: A researcher in political economy Summary The approval of the budget for three consecutive years represents a new advantage, a gesture that can rid the Government of the problem of not approving budgets. Moreover, the Budget Act explicitly applies to the Government's...

The Turkish and Iranian Military Intervention in Northern Iraq: Causes, Consequences, and Options for the Iraqi Political Decision Maker

Adnan Abdul Amir Mehdi Al-Zubaidi: Tikrit University College of Political Science Introduction: International relations throughout history have been characterized as either conflict, cooperation, or international competition, especially in strategic regions of the world, which have been of interest to geopolitical scholars such as Mackinder and the...

Eight years coming without a Tishree protest? The fate of protests in Iraq

Adnan Sobeih Thamer/Researcher specializing in speech anthropology The protest movements in Iraq face the fate of their non-repetition, on both levels: the first is their tools, and the other is their generation. The protests in Iraq are not similar to their different times. They are...

The resurgence of ISIS in Syria and its security implications for Iraq

Ali Najat - Writer and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern affairs and Islamic movements. introduction The emergence and rise of the Islamic State in 2013 marked the beginning of a new jihadist era, as the group declared a far-reaching goal of establishing an Islamic state, or...

The window for selling foreign currency in Iraq between response and necessity

Ali Abdul Rahim al-Aboudi is a researcher specializing in political economy Synopsis: The reliance of Iraqi decision-makers on a single function to sell hard currencies according to a fixed exchange rate led to the formation of a fallacy idea that oil revenues will maintain the sustainability...

Military and security: (Variance of training with assignments)

Haider Abdul Murshed - researcher Introduction  The philosophy of security management in Iraq has always been hostage to the political mood; For the nature of the system and what it wants from the security establishment, protect the state or the incumbent? This confusion has negatively affected the...

Optimal electoral system from the point of view of Iraqis (Opinion poll)

Ahmed Khudair Hussain - Director Department of Social Studies, Al Bayan Center for Studies and Planning. Introduction Iraq has experienced multiple electoral systems in past years, characterized by some of the problems that accompanied each election cycle; In 2020, the Iraqi Council of Representatives made some...

Iraq’s internal and external challenges in 2023

Mustafa Darraji - researcher Introduction Since 2003, successive Governments in Iraq have inherited many problems and challenges, including those inherited from the previous regime, including new problems that accompanied regime change. The transition phase should have included plans that address many of the problems associated with...

Strategic dimensions of Gulf-Japan relations: Towards an effective relationship between Baghdad and Tokyo

Dr. Hadi mashaan Rabie- college of law and political science - Anbar University The first axis: the motives of the strategic partnership between the Gulf countries and Japan Since its inception at the beginning of the twentieth century, Gulf-Japanese relations have been characterized by a purely...

