Authors Posts by Translation and Editing Department

Translation and Editing Department


Jordan in the Iraqi strategic vision

Abdullah Nahed Abbas-researcher Introduction  Perhaps the relations between the two neighboring countries Iraq and Jordan are among the most confused relations, as there are many commonalities between the two sides, mutual interests, and an urgent need for each other, and at the same time there is...

Minorities in the electoral law: Has the quota been emptied of its content?

Abdulaziz Alawi al-Issawi is an academic and researcher specializing in electoral affairs Countries grant quotas to social groups that they believe will not get what suits their weight and history in elections, to ensure proportional representation of social components in power. Some countries grant quotas to...

Russian-French rivalry in West Africa and the Sahel

Dr. Hind Juma Ali - teaching at the Institute of Management in Rusafa Introduction The West African region and the Sahel are an arena for competition for influence and dominance between Russia and France, in light of many elements and determinants of the strategic importance of the...

The wounded of (Alhashd Alshaebii) between adjustment requirements and institutional rehabilitation

Youssef Alaa: Researcher Introduction Post-war nations face several challenges, some of which are tied to the value questions that led them to that war and its causes, however, confronting the challenge of war returnees with their psychosocial circumstances stands out as an important victory that must...

Iraq and Syrian: Relationship fluctuations and stability entitlements.

Mustafa Al-Saray: researcher in Al bayan center- political studies department Iraqi-Syrian relations have not been stable throughout the historical period, involving geographical common factors, social ties, and mutual economic relations, security tensions and political volatility were the clearest factors, and affected the course of relations....

The Russian-Ukrainian Crisis and its international impact on the “Middle East and North Africa as a Model”

Hussein Al-Tayy: Political researcher The Russian invasion of Ukraine affects the MENA region in three key fields: Political negotiations, military action, humanitarian assistance and food security, and oil and gas supplies have become clear that the multidimensional repercussions so far are limited to the political...

The Iranian nuclear option and its repercussion

First Ellias - Researcher  The arrival of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi in Tehran on March 3 for discussions on Iran's nuclear program with Iranian atomic energy officials, after the discovery of particles of uranium enriched at a level close to the manufacture of a...

Foundations of sustainable peacebuilding in post-war cities: The city of Mosul as a case study

Marwan Salem Al-Ali:  professor at the College of the Political Science/University of Mosul, specializing in strategic affairs. Introduction: The process of peace and its sustainability is a global humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the efforts made to achieve peace, it has...

Emerging forces and electoral law: Options to avoid the Sainte-Laguë equation

Abdulaziz Aliwi Al-Essaawi: An academic specializing in electoral affairs. Introduction: Talking about electoral laws other than a proportional representation with the Sainte-Laguë mechanism is no longer viable in the current stage after the Council of Representatives passed on March 20, 2023, the third amendment to the...

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Collapse: Reading on global causes and Ramifications

Marwan Salem Al-Ali: College of Political Science, University of Mosul Introduction The fallout from the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) or so-called "Silicon Valley" began to spread worldwide, the largest bank to go under since the global financial crisis of 2008, raising fears of...

