Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Trump’s Declaration on Jerusalem

Al Quds or Jerusalem is a city that captivates you with its beauteous majesty, splendour, and heritage. It has a special place in the hearts of Muslims; its land is holy, and blessed in texts of the Holy Quran. In it lies the Al...

Iraq and the Three Nations

Hussein Darwish al-Adly, a Researcher and Academic. “Iraq is the epicentre of three nations (the Arab, Iranian and Turkish). Its cohesion implies the unity of the three Middle East nations, while its disintegration certainly means the redrawing of the entire region’s geopolitics. Iraq’s division is...


This public opinion poll was designed to include as many social classes in Iraq and consisted of sixteen core questions addressed to 2,310 respondents (or sample units), drawn from a sample of 38,000 mobile phone numbers. The mobile phone numbers were randomly selected from...

United Kingdom’s Counter-Extremism Strategy

The terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have exposed the West to notions of extremism never seen before. Whereas many of the conflicts during the Cold War and its immediate aftermath were characterised...

Higher education in Iraq and the need for major transformation

By Ahmad Alja’fari, Researcher and Academic, Educational Administration and Policy - University of Buffalo - America When analysing the vocational paths of higher education in South Korea, America, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Britain, and Australia, it soon becomes clear that these countries were receptive to a...

The British General Election 2017: Impacts on the Middle East

On the 18th April 2017, during a time of uncertainty in contemporary British history, the Prime Minister Theresa May announced that a snap election would be held on June 8th, 2017. The announcement draped in the shadow of Brexit negotiations, (the United Kingdom’s vote...

Post-Brexit Foreign Policy of the United Kingdom

On June the 23rd 2016, the British public went to the polls to have their say on whether they wished the United Kingdom to remain part of the European Union or whether it should leave. In an outcome that shocked many observers, analysts, members...

Analysing the hydrocarbon dispute between the Federal Government and the KRG

Oil has often been described as part of the glue that holds Iraq together.  And yet, few issues have proven more divisive to the fabric of the state since 2003 than those related to the management of the natural resource base and the distribution...

Reconstruction and Development in Post-Islamic State Iraq

As of the summer of 2016, Iraq is gradually winning its war against the Islamic State (IS). Major urban centres such as Ramadi and Fallujah have been liberated and the Iraqi security forces are slowly encircling Mosul, IS’ regional capital and the last major...

Feasibility study: Constructing an Iran-Iraq natural gas pipeline

As part of its policy to provide electricity to consumers, the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity has developed a plan to build gas stations for the production of electrical energy distributed over the provinces of Iraq, using different types of fuel to produce electricity: natural...

