Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Iraq’s place in Canada’s Middle East Strategy

By Ali Ziad al Ali, researcher specialising in international and strategic affairs. At the beginning of 2016, Canada announced, in the words of its Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, a strategy called the "Middle East Strategy", which focused on ways of enhancing Canadian interests in the...

The Hidden Threats to Iraq’s National Security

By Ali Ziad al-Ali, researcher specialising in international and strategic affairs. In general, arbitrary or unsystematic threats to national security are a direct menace to the intrinsic values and underpinnings of any society. Iraq’s national security faces an unprecedented number of visible threats that form...

A New Hope: Iraq Oil’s Way Forward

1. Introduction This report primarily concentrates on the oil sector in ‘federal’ Iraq, i.e. that outside the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). It can be read in conjunction with my earlier study for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) of the petroleum industry in...

Restoring the Iraqi Healthcare Sector

Once viewed as having one of the most robust healthcare systems across the Middle East, the Iraqi healthcare system has experienced a steady decline since the late-1980s as a result of conflicts and the resultant economic troubles that have gripped the country. The biggest...

Moscow’s Flexible Alliances in the Middle East

Russia has been seeking a more robust relationship with Iraq since the so-called Arab Spring started in 2011, eager to build on the remnants of what was once a strong Soviet-Iraqi alliance during the Cold War. The Kremlin’s appetite for courting Iraq has been...

Iraq and Japan – A Common Strategic Vision

By Ali Ziad al Ali, Researcher Specialising in International and Strategic Affairs Iraq’s geopolitical position represents a strategic imperative and a reality which compels the superpowers to maintain relations with it. Japan recognised the importance of this vital position in terms of energy and geopolitics....

The Friday Prayer Sermon from the Shrine of Imam Al – Hussein

Delivered by His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Mahdi    Dear Brothers and Sisters, I now read out to you the official statement issued by the office of His Eminence, Sayyed al Sistani, regarding the forthcoming parliamentary elections – I ask you to pay heed In the name of...


Since assuming the seats of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the People’s Republic of China in 2012, the governance of Xi Jinping has been defined by far-reaching projects and initiatives. On the surface, these policies have sought...

A New Hope: Iraq Oil’s Way Forward

This report primarily concentrates on the oil sector in ‘federal’ Iraq, i.e. that outside the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). It can be read in conjunction with my earlier study for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) of the petroleum industry in the...

The Global War of the Ports and its impact on Iraq

By Zuhair Jum’a Al-Maliki When the Chinese Admiral Zheng He launched his expeditionary fleet of 62 ships in the fifteenth century AD, he could not have imagined that the seven trips he undertook would provide the inspiration for a new war at the beginning of...

