Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Strategies toward a world-class higher education system

Iraq’s higher education system can play an important role in fostering long-term economic development, peace and stability if efficient reform and funding policy are implemented for the university system. An effective university education could resolve Iraq’s economic, social, and political problems, thereby promoting the...

Private Schools – The solution to Iraq’s Education Crisis?

Sixty per cent of Iraq’s population today is under the age of 25and the country is under pressure to provide educational opportunities for this ever growing number of young people, who are looking to build their lives despite persisting difficulties following the years of...

Iraq Foreign Policy amidst Regional Interactions

Iraq foreign policy has been more balanced recently due to the new government attitudes towards the regional strategic environment, which has been affecting the security and stability of Iraq adversely. The new balanced attitudes of Iraq foreign policy have positively isolated Iraq from regional...

Election of Kurdistan Parliament

The 2005 Iraqi Constitution granted the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) a package of legislative and executive powers. Kurdistan Parliament enjoys legislative power to enact regional laws that cover several areas, such as health, education, security, agriculture, economy, and others. It is democratically elected each...

Prospects for strategic partnership between Iraq and NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - is a strategic intergovernmental military alliance with considerable global leverage by virtue of its strategic strengths and capabilities, as well as, the military capabilities of its 29 member states, mainly the United States. NATO has been...

Unpassed Laws: Ramifications and Mechanisms to Expediate Their Passage in the Next Parliamentary Round

Preface Laws regulate the functions of the state and determine the nature of the relationship between its institutions and society at large. They provide the basis for achieving justice and equality among individuals and define the mutual rights and obligations between the state, its citizens...

Protecting children and adolescents from terrorism and radicalisation

Introduction There are potentially three provinces of thought or general frameworks that can, if we invest in them well, provide us with effective solutions and real successes in the face of extremist behaviour, culture and practice. These provinces deal with the culture of extremism that...

Understanding Iraq’s debt: An overview of its status, outlook and origins

Iraq’s massive needs for reconstruction, after more than 35 years of conflict,  cannot be met by current revenues from its considerable hydrocarbon resources alone, and thus it needs to resort to debt to augment funding this reconstruction. However, discussions within Iraq about the country’s debt...

Insights from a Strategic Analysis of the Phenomenon of Terrorism

By Ali Ziad al Ali, researcher specialising in international and strategic affairs. The phenomenon of terrorism is little more than a synthetic hybrid construct that combines several contradictory components and strands. Some analysts have argued that the term is both structurally and conceptually vague, whether...

The importance of opening Turkey’s Ovaköy border crossing with Iraq

Introduction Land border-crossings represent a very important economic asset for neighbouring countries because of the income generated through cross-border commercial trade, as well as, providing a tourist corridor for the transit of visitors and tourists between countries. Border-crossings are also an important security gateway for...

