Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Research centers between internal and foreign policies

In no way can an important matter be bypassed regarding the development of the role of research centers in developed countries and the active role they are playing in internal and external policy-making, to establish the status of States and ensure their success at...

Role of renewable energy auctions in promoting the reality of electricity in Iraq (Brazil as a model)

At the beginning of the second millennium, the world witnessed tremendous developments in energy technology, including those that helped to uncover the vast oil and natural gas resources in North America. In addition, the emergence of this technology is promising news suggesting that a...

Introduction to the Pulse Portal (E-Nabiz) for Medical Services in Turkey

The use of technology in the context of benefiting from the Internet in the world's administrative systems is expanding very rapidly, and health has been one of the areas in which States use such technologies; It's called e-health. Through reliance on these techniques, efforts...

Will the upcoming Iraqi elections succeed in restoring citizen confidence in the political system?

The upcoming legislative elections in Iraq, to be held next October, constitute a critical event in Iraq's democratic process. We ask for the fate of these elections by observing the political and social environment in the country that forced Iraq to go towards early...

Administrative decentralization in Iraq and its problems

The purpose of this paper is to research regional development planning, within the legal framework of the management decentralization approach, which is rightly one of the primary and essential conditions for the implementation and success of such planning. Governments in many countries of the...

Sectarian rhetoric for elections in disputed areas

While it is recognized that the Iraqi Constitution, the Parties Act and all other laws relating to the electoral process attend and prevent sectarian speech in all its forms, the situation in Kirkuk has been and continues to be affected by sectarian speech for...

Addressing the boycott of Iraqi elections

Participation ratios are falling further from previous electoral entitlements in Iraq, which gives an indication that there is dissatisfaction on the part of most voters, who seek to punish politicians through boycotting the elections, believing that boycotting the electoral process would deprive candidates of...

Iran and Iraq: The Search for Balance in Bilateral Relations in Light of the Iraqi borders and Political Forces Issues

In describing the status-quo of the Iranian-Iraqi relations and the challenges and opportunities facing the two countries, it can be said that they both have many common strategic points. If they reach a particular stage, they can turn into strategic partners. However, both countries...

Reducing domestic violence

Violence is one of the social problems facing societies, and the problems of violence are increasing markedly in societies for multiple reasons; Of which: Social, cultural, and economic causes. Domestic violence against women is a complex problem linked to many factors and variables, each...

Electoral security

In any election, the authorities take many steps; Ensure that voters, candidates, polling staff, observers, and other individuals participating in the elections do not experience any sense of fear or harm; for participation in the electoral process. To ensure that sensitive electoral materials are...

