Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


Conscription into Iraq… Problem or solution?

The establishment of the Iraqi army was preceded by the official establishment of Iraq. The regiment of Imam Musa Al-Kazim, the core of the Iraqi army, was formed early in 1921 at the time of the formation of the interim government of Abd Al-Rahman,...

Tourism problems between Iraq and Iran… From an Iranian point of view

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran received the largest number of Western tourists among its neighbor countries. About 700,000 tourists visited the west of the country a year before the 1979 revolution, but after the revolution, this situation changed completely for several reasons. first, because...

Gulf reconciliation and its potential regional implications for politics, economy, and security Perspective vision

The objective of this study is to monitor regional variables likely to occur as a result of the breakthrough of the Gulf/Qatari crisis at several levels, including political, economic, and security, and to determine whether this breakthrough or reconciliation is based on the foundations...

The unemployment problem in Iraq after 2003, realities, causes, implications, and public policy options

Unemployment is an economic, social, psychological, political, and security problem, and unemployment has an impact on mental and physical health, as a large proportion of the unemployed (They lack self-esteem, feeling of failure, feeling less than others, studies have shown that some of them...

Baghdad’s Regional Summit… Iraqi Lands and Issues of the Region

A summit of Iraq's regional neighbors was held in Baghdad on Saturday, 2021/8/28, to discuss the region's unsolved issues and open up areas for cooperation, dialogue, and unity of efforts to resolve these pending problems in the region, in particular, the Syrian crisis and...

Tunisia, the Crossroads of Reform and Dictatorship

Tunisia is the title of the cradle of the Arab Spring and the last democratic model among those countries, which succeeded in removing the army to some extent from the political equation and established a democratic parliamentary system in the post-Ben Ali era to...

The American withdrawal from Afghanistan… The U.S. achieve its objectives

History has events whose effects and repercussions vary between the time-limited fringe and spatially-limited fringe, on the one hand, and the spatially extended detail, on the other. Accordingly, we must place the recent American withdrawal from Afghanistan in the second category of events that...

The development dimension of the privatization of the educational sector in Iraq

A law regulating employment and investment in the educational sector was introduced after 2003. Nevertheless, there seems to be an absence of strategy, vision, and perception in dealing with the privatization of the educational sector and its investors and defining the roles assigned to...

Iraq in Fragile States Index 2021

The Fragile States Index (FSI) is an annual classification of 178 States based on the various pressures they face affecting their levels of vulnerability and relies on the analytical approach of the Conflict Assessment System tool. The Peace Fund's (CAST), based on the comprehensive...

Pragmatic and confrontational strategies

From 1975 to 1980, Iraq went through its best phase in its contemporary history in terms of political stability, economic stability, and doubling of its national capacity. This phase crystallized in the pragmatic process of Iraqi political building and dealing with Iran in resolving...

