Authors Posts by Editing & Research Department

Editing & Research Department


(Path and Future) in the 2021 Iraqi election… Situation Assessment Paper

On 27th May 2021, Security Council resolution No.2576 renewed the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to strengthen the electoral support role of the mission; The resolution requires UNAMI to "provide the enhanced, robust and visible United Nations team with...

Al-Maraji’a and Elections. Will Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani change the course of the boycott?

Since 2003, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani has sought to deepen the idea of free elections as an exercise in choosing the form of government and the process of circulating power in Iraq.          Months before the 2018 elections, the Office of the Supreme Maraji’a...

Chances of small powers in Iraq’s 2021 elections – Chances of Women

In the coming months, Iraq is on a new electoral date following a months-long popular movement whose basic demands were the dissolution of the Council of Representatives and the holding of early elections; Consequently, the tenth of October was agreed, and political parties and...

Parliamentary Elections 2021 in Iraq (Survey)

The current study had been designed to fit multiple segments of Iraqi society, through a survey consisting of nineteen main questions, addressed to 3.026 surveyed and quested individuals, who were randomly accessed through the national telephone book in all governorates, as representatives of the...

Translation and the cultural development in Iraq

Cultural and educational realities in Governments and political systems are no secret to the fact that translation is an important area that plays an essential role in cultural exchange and cultural interaction among peoples. Cultural exchange and cultural interaction were important ways of building...

October 2021 elections in Iraq and economic policy reform

Executive summary: -        The dilemma in Iraq is that everyone understands the importance of economic reform, which from the political elites to the voters, but the electoral market does not welcome the parties that work to implement economic reform very seriously. -        The managing of political...

Peace-building programs in Iraq

The concept of peacebuilding is one of the most popular concepts in research centers, and most popular in countries that have emerged from tyranny and whose experience has stalled in the course of transitional justice. The identities of their social groups varied and most...

Reading in Nature Reserves System No. 2 of 2014

Reconciliation with the environment is the fundamental task of all humankind in the twenty-first century, and this needs to be the highest priority for all around the world. The destruction and degradation of nature must be reversed through the conservation of biodiversity in various...

Electoral reluctance trends in Arab States: The means to protect Iraq from them

A number of elections held in the Arab States since the autumn of last year have registered a marked decline in the participation rate; This suggests that there was an electoral reluctance that spread so rapidly that it became contagious among most of the...

A perusal of Elections Law No. 9 of 2020 issued by the Council of Representatives of Iraq

The draft law on elections to the Council of Representatives was approved by the Council of Ministers on the date of the 12th November 2019 and submitted to the Council of Representatives. Another project had been prepared by the Presidency of the Republic but...

