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About the Center

Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies is an independent, nonprofit think tank based in Baghdad, Iraq. Its primary mission is to offer an authentic perspective on public and foreign policy issues related to Iraq and the region.

Al-Bayan Center pursues its vision by conducting independent analysis, as well as proposing workable solutions for complex issues that concern policymakers and academics.


The mission of Al-Bayan Center is to be a leading source of independent analysis on Iraq and a forum for informed debate on the transformations taking place in the country and the region. Furthermore, it aims at strengthening the capacity of educational institutions and civil society organizations to prepare future decision makers and experts in the fields of politics, economy, administration, education, oil and gas, and international relations, who can be relied upon to set agendas and craft new initiatives.

The Center carries out this mission by conducting research and analysis, providing grants for research and fieldwork, convening conferences and workshops, and providing training services to governmental institutions, universities and employees.

Research Programs

The Center focuses on key research fields that form the basis of seven programs:

  • Economics and Development
  • Energy
  • Foreign Policy and International Affairs
  • National Security and Defence
  • Constitution, Law, and Democracy
  • Governance, Rule of Law and Public Policy
  • Society and Public Opinion


  • To engage in the key policy debates concerning Iraq by contributing thoughtful, independent analysis that is based on primary research conducted by scholars and specialists.
  • To encourage informed debate among key stakeholders, including policymakers, journalists and academics, about the challenges affecting Iraq and the region, and to generate fresh ideas about how to approach them.
  • To develop strategic thinking skills in decision making and policy formation in Iraq.
  • To help Iraqi academics, politicians, and government practitioners enhance skills for effective decision making and management.

Advisory Board

Professor Abdul Jabbar Ahmad Abdullah

Dean of College of Political Sciences, Baghdad University. Professor of Political Systems and the Third World.

Dr. Abdul Jabbar Fattah

Principal, College of Management and Economics, University of Baghdad.

Professor Abdul Razzaq Abdul Jaleel

Minister of Higher Education Ministry. Professor of Chemistry at Liverpool University. Former Chancellor of Kufa University.

Professor Adil Al-Baghdadi

Chancellor, University of Babylon. Member of Iraqi Economists ‎Society.‎

‎Professor Eric Davis ‎

Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and past director of ‎the University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies.‎

‎Dr. Jafar Al-Dujaili ‎

Vice-Principal, College of Management and Economics, University of ‎Baghdad. Lecturer in Economic Development.‎

‎Dr. Jalal Abdul Jabbar ‎

Transport Engineering, University of Cardiff, Wales. Transport ‎Planning Manager, Parsons Brinckerhoff.‎

‎Dr Jane Moon ‎

Honorary Research Fellow (Archaeology), University of Manchester. ‎Co-director of the Ur Region Archaeology Project (URAP).‎

‎Dr. Khalid Hantush Sajit ‎

Principal, Department of Sociology, College of Humanities, University ‎of Baghdad.‎

Dr. Mudher M. Salih ‎

PM Advisor Financial Policy , Previously Deputy-Governor, Central ‎Bank of Iraq.‎

‎Professor Rafid Al Kaddar ‎

Professor of Water and Environmental Engineering. Head of ‎Construction and Civil Engineering Department at John Moores ‎University, Liverpool.‎

Saleh Mahdi Al-Hasnawi

Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist Former Minister of Health , Iraqi Parliament Member.‎

‎Professors Zouhair Al-Hassani ‎

Public international law, National Investment Commission / Council of ‎Ministers adviser.‎