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    The Social Sciences Circle at Al-Bayan Center holds a session on the legacy of Ali al-Wardi

    Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies held a panel discussion on the 9th of July, titled “Al-Wardi on the anniversary of his departure: A Legacy of Conflicting Ideas” as part of the Center’s Social Sciences Circle.

    The session was hosted by Dr. Haider Said, Head of the Research Department at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, who provided an in-depth critique of Ali al-Wardi’s ideas as a sociologist, intellectual, and social reformer, as well as an analysis of al-Wardi’s discourse and research methodology.

    The session was attended by a group of specialists in sociology and those interested in al-Wardi’s thought. The discussion revolved around al-Wardi’s intellectual legacy on the Iraqi state and society and the validity of his ideas in addressing contemporary reality.

    To watch the full episode, please click on the link below: