Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies participated in the Eighth Sulaymaniyah Forum amid an international, regional, and local presence of political, cultural, economic, and academic figures and several local and international journalists.

The participation of Al-Bayan Center, represented by the Executive Director of the Center, Dr. Ali Taher Al-Hammood, came in a session entitled “Iraq and the Middle East and North Africa Organization amidst Controversial Geopolitics,” and it was in the presence of Joost Hiltermann, a Dutch activist, journalist, and writer who attended the session, and Lina Khatib, who holds the position of director. The Soas Institute in Britain, in addition to Wang Guangda, Executive Director of the Chinese Research Center, as well as Elena Subbotina, Advisor to the Russian International Affairs Council, and Thanasis Campanis, Director of the International Century Foundation in the United States of America.

Al-Bayan Center Director, Al-Hammood, spoke about the challenges facing Iraq at the internal and regional levels in creating a clear strategic vision for its foreign policy, noting, “the strategic vacuum left by successive governments in Iraq since the royal era, which made Iraq a center of influence.” And regional and international countries benefited from it.”

According to Al-Hammood, Iraq “does not have to choose between BRICS and the International Monetary Fund, and it does not have to choose between China and the United States.”

It is noteworthy that the eighth Sulaymaniyah Forum was held in partnership with the Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning, and several international centers and think tanks.