Al-Bayan Center for Planning and Studies Concludes Training on “Designing Evidence-Based Advocacy Campaigns” in Sulaymaniyah City.

The training lasted for 5 days with the participation of 20 trainees from various Iraqi provinces.
This training is one of the activities of the promotion of justice in Iraq II.
implemented by the Al-Bayan Center during 2023-2024.

The training, led by coach “Ahmad Mroueh”, included in the early days an introduction to advocacy and how to analyze the problem, in addition to clearly identifying the demands, while explaining the most influential strategies, as well as some tactics and tools.

In the last two days, the training materials included an agenda on the creation of social media content, from which the participants came up with a practical application on the use of social media sites led by trainer Munaf Ghanem.

The training aims to design evidence-based advocacy campaigns and community mobilization using social media tools.
The beneficiaries of the training will receive knowledge and skills that contribute to the implementation of five advocacy campaigns across Iraq, adopting policy papers that were completed during the first phase of the project.