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    Implications of COVID-19 crisis and coping strategies

    Epidemics since old – plague, smallpox, malaria, cholera, Spanish influenza, have affected civilizations; Many of them have had major repercussions on societies, beginning with a large number of deaths they have left, to make human beings think more deeply about human existence. After humanity (particularly the developed countries) took accelerated steps towards progress and advancement in several areas, the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged to cause disturbances and imbalances in all countries of the world – with variations – this subtle phenomenon affected all international systems in their physical and functional structure, affecting routine human behavior and daily activities (going to work, studying, social interactions).

             The issue of COVID-19 is therefore a cross-cutting one with implications for many areas and sectors, and cannot be addressed in isolation from political, social, and security implications. However, most academic and non-academic insights and debates address this pandemic as a coherent set of problems and issues that need to be solved and mitigated, but most appropriately in this landmark moment. What can be seen as a turning point in human life – deep research into its causes and accountability for its actions, especially since the international character of this crisis, and the expectation of a period of its effects, undoubtedly have a bearing on some fields of human knowledge and theoretical frameworks that have been stable for years.

             Apart from the global debate about whether the coronavirus was manufactured in a lab, and who is responsible for it, its goals… Certainly, the nations of the world face a virus that has a high potential for proliferation, causing many threats and risks to all nations of the world. It is generally noted that the response to this crisis continues to focus on the health dimension, but other dimensions need to be invoked to respond to the crisis and deal with it efficiently. This challenge requires an assessment of the overall implications and their causes for reaching more effective strategies to address this phenomenon (Coronavirus), the goal of the study.

    Therefore, clarifying the implications of COVID-19 economic, social, security, and political crisis is one of the main objectives of the study, as well as monitoring strategies for addressing it and identifying the role of government at the internal and external levels. This is to highlight the assumptions, strategies, policies, perceptions, values, and behaviors that the pandemic may change.

    Given the above, the problem is as follows: What are the strategies for addressing the COVID-19 crisis as its repercussions expand? The study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the direct and indirect causes of the COVID-19 crisis? How has quarantine affected nations and societies? How will the pandemic affect States’ security policies, economic and social? What are the overall effects of the new Coronavirus on the political process in democratic and autocratic systems? What’s the role of government in strategies to counter COVID-19 fallout? Can States succeed in dealing with the effects of the pandemic alone?
